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The Girlie Had a Mustache

I was taking a look at my old Facebook Notes today, and I came across one that gave me a good laugh. I'm sure most of you have seen this one before, but if you haven't yet, you ought to try it out for yourself.

1. Put your music player on shuffle.

2. Press forward for each question.

3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

What does next year have in store for me?
"Polkarama" - Straight Outta Lynwood

What does my love life look like?
"Do I Creep You Out?" - Straight Outta Lynwood

What do I say when life gets hard?
"Grapefruit Diet" - Running With Scissors

What do I think of when I get up in the morning?
"Confessions, Pt. 3" - Straight Outta Lynwood

What song will I dance to at my wedding?
"Pancreas" - Straight Outta Lynwood

What do I want to do for my career?
"Canadian Idiot" - Straight Outta Lynwood

What is my favorite saying?
"Men in Black" - Men In Black: The Album

What is my favorite place?
"Jump Around" - House of Pain

What do I think of my parents?
"A Nightmare on My Street" - He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper

Where would I go on a first date?
"The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" - Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - Greatest Hits

What is my drug of choice?
"Weasel Stomping Day" - Straight Outta Lynwood

How do I describe myself?
"Boom! Shake the Room" - Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - Greatest Hits

What is the thing I like doing most?
"Close But No Cigar" - Straight Outta Lynwood

What song best describes the President?
"The Night Santa Went Crazy" - Bad Hair Day

What is my state of mind like at the moment?
"Summertime" - Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - Greatest Hits

How will I die?
"Virus Alert" - Straight Outta Lynwood

The song that will be played at my funeral:
"I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" - The Best of The Proclaimers

The song I'll put as the title:
"The Girlie Had A Mustache" - And in This Corner...

Copyright © 2007 Isaac Tanner Madsen